Thursday, November 18

who cares if it’s fake

authenticity certificate for Jacqueline Guzman, the last authenticity certificate issued in the US. 100% manufactured by GOD not science

Wednesday, November 17

Tuesday, July 13

Food for Thought

 You can’t turn a hoe into a housewife, however, a housewife can be turned into a hoe.

Friday, July 9

unrequited love

 who wants unrequited love when you can have someone tell you that you’re the most wonderful thing on the planet?

Sunday, July 4


 I hold people accountable for their actions.  So, I have zero friends.

Thursday, June 10

too much to ask for

 truth, honesty, and maturity is asking too much apparently.  who the hell gets turned on by liars, manipulators, and backstabbers?  Please tell me, so I can ask them how to get over it

Wednesday, June 2


 the Maga train did a number on me.  I was really convinced most of America was awake, understood that America should come first, and that we’re NOT sonignorant and naive as to put ourselves in this situation.  But alas, here we are.  And while I’ve been waiting since the 90s for people to get over low level ego driven energies, like racisms, hate, etc.  I’m really disappointed to see that 2021 has brought nothing but regression to this country.  Regression of values, what’s important, and what really matters.  We gave those things up for faster, cheaper, and lack of accountability.  We put more value in those things, than in being morally sound.  rather MOST AMERICANS, or what appears to be most americans according to the MEDIA.  But when I actually get oit and talk to people.  I talk to everyone, because I’m friendly and kind.  I chat with strangers in stores or walking down the streets, Ill have full blown convos with tellers or customers in front of me in line.  I love talking and experiencing all walks of life, as there is always something to learn.  And what i’ve learned from always being that way, is that WAAAAY more people than I thought actually wanted Trump to win.  They believe America should come first as I do.  I don’t wish to give ip on the idea of nationalism just because it offends other countries.  I still stand by that I love in the greatest country in the world, but just like my personal life, maybe I’m chosing to believe a dream rather than love in reality.  Its hard to decipher when the media reflects the exact opposite of my waking life.  In fact, I was fine today until I went on social media, and was reminded at what level, we are spiritually, on this planets; and so that frustration has led to this random post.  Nothing else to do but to keep ascending and let the others fall to the wayside.  Those that have yet to experience the true power of GOD will never believe in the miracles.  But I have, and I know the value of living a spiritual life.  It’s lonely, but not worse than being surrounded by people who bring you down.

Sunday, April 11

i can’t believe i ever cared

my ex husbands family has reminded me of all the ways I am:

not good enough to be seen or heard,

not worthy




too brown

too dirty

a peasant for washing my own dishes

a wench for being a hands on mother

a bitch for defending myself

worth emotional, verbal, and mental abuse

unable to show emotions of any kind.

This is how I’ve been made to feel over the turbulent 13 years in my relationship with Alex.  And in that time, I celebrate every holiday alone with my kids except for the few that his family or mine would host.  every Christmas I bought all the gifts I did all the wrapping and I was Santa.  every Easter I bought all the baskets got all the eggs and made the hunt.  every Mother’s Day I spent by myself all alone.  on my first Mother’s Day I was called fat.  i’m constantly being reminded of what a poor mother I am even though they used to pay me to be their nanny for their family.  They meddle and mess with my kids things.  kick my dogs when I wasn’t looking, or when they thought I wasn’t looking.  they’ve stuck boogers on my bathroom wall every single time they’ve come over for a visit.  they’ve stolen my house keys and they’ve broken into my home several times over the years.  it’s my fault for choosing to stay in such a toxic family.  and unfortunately that choice has now hit me in the ass.  because this family who has hated me for so long is now coming after my two sons.  they’re the only thing that I have that’s precious in this world because I come from a nothing.  and they’re taking me to court and claiming that I’m in capable and mentally unstable to take care of my children.  I can’t believe that I spent the last 13 years crying because I couldn’t make these people happy.  I can’t believe what an idiot I’ve been for so long.  I actually thought these people cared about me to some degree.  like maybe like 1% they like and could tolerate.  But no.  they lie cheat and steal and get away with it.  there is no justice in this country.  there is no fairness and life isn’t fair.  and also I’m not allowed to feel any kind away about that otherwise I get cast as emotionally unfit.  

so here I sit with no emotions behind a screen.